HELLO! im back! haha! Thought of not coming back ever again but i still did(: It's been about 3 months plus since i last blogged? Ok! obviously there's much to update on, especially when im sucha busy person.arghh.kidding.So, brother's been away for 3months too,time really flies when you are having fun.He'ss be back in about 3 weeks time!!! Im so happy!!! (: All of my family members too! ok, let's see...what else?
I bought a laptop, shed-and-gained-back-some-weight( that's so sad, dun remind me), had a really short haircut(but it's growing much better now), cousin Dorothy's married,church camp, opened my online shopping ( update more on that a while more) plus the most important thing, i went for SHOW'S CONCERT!
shopsandsprees.livejournal.com is where you can see all my products up for sale. Not as successful yet cus it's still growing, slowly. Please go and take a look and if there's anything you need to know, feel free to mail us!
Show's concert was AWESOME!Went with Darling Sha.Sat at the first row! WOO! Could see his face so clearly! He can dance really really well and trust me, his singing totally swept me off my feet!He's been working really hard and yeah, he deserves all the current success and popularity right now at this point of time.Im sure that he will continue to work harder and definitely,i'll support him till the very end(: It may sound really crazy or impossible, but it's through his charisma and funny actions that i can really laugh and forget all my problems and stress for those moments.Happy, really happy even if i know that he's just a celebrity. Im happy and contented just this way.Fight on, Show!
Term test's here.AGAIN.It's so fast.This time round, i will study(:
Church camp was great.Though not many ppl stayed over,it was great. Did many things and completed things.Script was good and the skit's really funny.Hopefully ppl will enjoy it cause i really do even after watching for more than 5 times!
Shall upload some photos! those concert pics + church camp's(if i can get any)and those wedding photos(:
till then.